Tuesday, February 18

A Shout

Isaiah 54:1,2 NIV “Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy … 2 “Enlarge the place of your tent … ”

Our solutions can sometimes be hidden in the last thing we want to do.
Shouting for joy when your situation seems hopeless.
Giving into a miracle offering when you barely have enough.
Reaching out to help another in trouble when you yourself are desperately in need of help.

But God knows what He is doing. He always knows how to get out of us what we need.

Water was provided in the wilderness as the Israelites began to sing about it (Numbers 21).
A barren woman gives birth to children as she begins to sing about it.
A place is enlarged as she begins to shout for joy.

Try it today. Shout for joy.
The freedom in you can get blocked up by the stuff of life, the troubles of the world, changing circumstances yet you can release your liberty by declaring how great God is. Praise liberates. Praise repositions your life.

Shout for joy. Sing or speak to your situation today and watch it change.