Monday, January 20


Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing–Life forevermore. Psalm 133:1-3

Behold‘ – David is making a statement that there is something here that will make you stop & take notice. Unity is powerful in its attraction.

It is ‘good‘. Unity is not a loss of ones own mind, a surrender of ones own thinking capability. Unity is a choice we make for good, not simply a feeling. It requires strength and a thinking person to make it. It is good and ‘pleasant’.

Pleasant‘ because there is something in us all that thrives in a united environment. The fruit of unity is pleasant, the fruit of isolation or independence is awkward.

Brothers‘ – ie. not enemies! Don’t go hanging with the wrong crowd thinking you have to save the world all the time. Connect with ‘brothers’, those you will do life with, those you have a chance of sharing a common hope. Some things you do for a brother:

– Defend a brother – you don’t believe a negative report at face value, or entertain such conversation. You defend without being blind to realities.

– You believe in a brother – you are their champion, you are there to help them step up. Your thoughts are for their success as much as your own.

– You prioritise time for a brother

– You share a common DNA/bond – our family, our tribe – so its shared vision, culture, values … A common pace, surrendered agendas

Unity puts relationship over ‘principle’ :
– Something may not be as I would like or as I would do it
– Something may violate a principle, but if its not moral or ethical lets maintain the relationship over maintaining the principle

Unity forgives quick, or doesn’t even see an offense!

Unity brings PEACE – in a time of peace we build. In a time of war we fight. Keep the bond of peace and build.

Unity will always WIN – the story of the tower of babel shows nothing can overcome a united people and there is nothing they cannot do.

What can you do this coming year to be united with the right people.

Unity causes the ANOINTING to flow
Unity is as a Dew – beauty, light touch, honour
Unity brings BLESSING – they are blessed, you are blessed …

1 Comment

  • Meliza

    This lecture is very awesome!! Like it and 100% agree on it. And unity is priority for the church as well — 1 Cor. 12:13

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