Monday, January 20

3 Steps to Conquering your Demons …

1. Resist

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Resisting is a decision of the will. We set our will against the thing that tries to drag us under. Resisting is done in a moment of time. If you play with the issue too long it will take you under. Resisting is a number of momentary or instant decisions made at the smallest points of temptation or pressure. Resisting is a pre-set decision to not entertain a certain thought, activity or pressure. Submit to God, this will help set your will in the right direction.

2. Believe

“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Mark 11:23

Applying faith to our challenges keeps us on top. There are times we need to speak to our mountain and tell it to be removed. Faith isn’t volume, or hyped-up activity – faith knows God, it has a deep-seated trust and confidence in His ability to cause you to be an overcomer. Speak to your mountain.

3. Adjust

We should be regularly aware of things we should adjust to stay on top. Often we leave this too long and we start adjusting the wrong things. If you leave it to the point where you can’t stand being around people for example, you end up looking to ‘escape’ from them.

If we learn to adjust the right things first, we won’t have to run from the very things we are being a blessing in. Jesus retreated to the mountains to pray. When? At night! He carved out time to pray in the evening, instead of watching the TV one night, so he was ready and fresh to be back in action the next day, back amongst the people.

I trust this helps you stay on top today. See you in Church