Monday, January 20

Making a decision doesn’t have to be a lottery!

COMMIT YOUR WAY to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, And HE shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5

1. How do we make decisions at the crossroads? COMMIT BEFORE YOU CHOOSE

Make a decision before the decision that you are trusting God above anything else. Commit it into His hands.

Sometimes its easier to make certain ‘value-based’ decisions before the pressure of that situation arises.  For example we decided to buy our first house on one income so we had the freedom to not make a financially-based decision about our lifestyle and work pattern when children came along.

– At the crossroads ASK Does it fit in my value system? Does it compromise my beliefs? Will it have positive long term benefits …?
– Know what BIBLE says about the sort of marriage partner to choose, attitudes in the workplace etc.

Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; DO NOT FRET Psalm 37:7

2. How do we make decisions at the crossroad?  DO NOT FRET

I catch myself sometimes – if life gets busy – the tone of voice changes.
Not sure if I can, how will we manage that?  …  stop it!  Do not fret.  Trust God.

I’m busy not sure I can get to Church – Do not fret, come anyway – trust Him
I’ve not got much money should I tithe?  Do not fret, tithe anyway – trust Him
I leave so early for work these days – rise earlier & pray anyway – I’ll be tired!  Do not fret, trust Him
I would like that promotion, not sure I’m ready, they might reject me – do not fret, try anyway
I’m 30 & still single, is God hearing me? Commit it to Him anyway – trust Him
We’re on an emotional rollercoaster with our son’s school behavior.  Don’t fret – trust Him

A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. Psalm 37:16

3. How do I make decisions at the crossroads? KNOW WHAT DRIVES YOU

Am I fighting after something and pushing God out of the picture?  Your future success should be because of God with you.  If you push for future success without Him it will all be in vain eventually.

Our motivation is important. Our INTEGRITY should guide our decisions – that is I live by what I know to be right and true to my values.  Do what you know is right, and trust the Lord for what seems to be missing or even impossible.

The steps of a GOOD man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his WAY.  Psalm 37:23

4. How do I make decisions at the crossroads?  SEEK GOD IN IT

‘Good’ isn’t talking about good deeds or being a nice person (although recommended) – Jesus tells us, only God is ‘good’. This Psalm is talking of ‘God-goodness’ – ie. ‘God-transferred-goodness’ to us.  We call this righteousness.

Seek a God-life – let Him IN to all areas … try not to put your home life, your work life, your social life, your Church life all in separate boxes.  Let the boundaries merge a little.  HE WILL ORDER YOUR STEPS.

That thing that pulls hardest or shouts loudest isn’t always the right pursuit. God doesn’t often shout, He wants willing not bullied followers.

Your ears shall hear a word BEHIND YOU, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21

Don’t let the screaming voice in front of you drown out the voice behind you.  Lizby and I have made some huge decisions by the whisper behind us.

Even at His busiest Jesus always made time to seek His Father.

Martin Luther once said, ”I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer.”

The righteous shall INHERIT the land, And DWELL in it forever.Our crossroads are taking us to our promised land. Psalm 37:29

If you’ve let things get in way of a Christ-centred life of decision-making you can re-order your life.  You can make room for God today – you can trust Him fully with the job of ordering your steps!

Listen to more about trusting God here … See you in Church!