Friday, January 17

The Final Countdown …

On October 31 the people assembled again, and this time they fasted … Nehemiah 9:1

In the book of Nehemiah we see the process of the people of God returning from captivity and reestablishing themselves with God.

Fasting brings us clearly before God. Times of refreshing come as you consecrate yourself to the Lord and find He breaks off those loose ends that hang around. You are being shaped and revived for the next season of your life.

What did these returning people of God do?

– The first thing they did as a nation was to come around the Word of God. They read, but they also allowed it to speak. They fell to the ground in awe of its message and of God.

– As they had need they sought to be purified by the Lord.

– They also created shelters, spaces of encounters – setting aside a week to encounter God.

A time of fasting, a time of refreshing is part of the normal experience of a believer at some point. Its there that you find the fire grows stronger, you grow bigger, the voice of God becomes clearer and the power God grows on your life.

The fasting and the Word brought a nation into its moment.
Lets make the most of is final week of fasting – this is your moment!

See you in Church …