Sunday, September 8

Recovering the Extraordinary to the Ordinary

In Luke 4 we are told “Jesus went AS USUAL to the synagogue”.  When He was there He stood & read from Isaiah 61.  He begins reading these words “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed me to … preach, heal, free, proclaim …”  As He read so His future began to unfold.  He proclaims: “TODAY THIS SCRIPTURE IS FULFILLED IN YOUR HEARING”.

This moment launched the Son of God into ministry and the fulfillment of all scripture.

Just prior to this we have an account of Jesus defeating the devil in the wilderness after 40 days of fasting.  He came out of that experience in the power of the Spirit.

Yet Jesus went ‘as usual’ or ‘as was His custom’ to Church.  An ordinary day sandwiched between 2 extraordinary events.  You will find that the extraordinary does not come by chasing after the so called ‘extraordinary’.  The extraordinary will nearly always come as we continue steadfastly in the good, strong, healthy routines of life.

As you go to prayer regularly you will defeat the devil and live as a conqueror.  As you go to Church every week you will find the extraordinary purposes of God for your life unfold.

Lets recover the extraordinary of the supernatural of God by raising the strength of our ordinary routines and the expectation we have in them.  In this way I am fully believing for your best life.  See you in Church.