Monday, January 20

Life Change – DAY 3

And evening passed and morning came, MARKING the third day. Genesis 1:13

Just as a reminder – this is day 3 of a 6 day look at the life changing ‘MARKERS’ set down in Genesis 1 and what they can mean for us in creating landmarks in our own lives in 2013.

The land produced vegetation—all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Genesis 1:12

DAY 3 :  On the third day God set the scene for fruitfulness.  He created land and plants that were seed-bearing, ie. the ability to be fruitful perpetually.

There is nothing more frustrating than feeling unfruitful.  You work hard and see nothing for it.  It is important we give our attention where we will be most successful.  Fruitfulness comes from concentrating on your gift, connecting to the right people, regular adjustment of skill and attitude, self-discipline, personal confidence and a focused  pursuit.

When you hit the sweet spot of momentum in your life where you know you are being fruitful you have set a landmark!

By the way fruitfulness is not always the evidence of fruit.  Before the fruit there has to be the seed, the winter, the small buds and the leaves.  However, if you know each stage is leading to a fruitful end result then you have laid down a fulfilling marker.


What could you adjust today to ensure a fruitful year?