Saturday, February 15

Your 2016 is up the Mountain!

I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the lookout tower.
I will watch to see what He will say to me  and what I should reply about my complaint. Habakkuk 2:1  

Ever had a complaint?  or been dissatisfied with your current situation? If you have any vision at all there will be regular moments of being challenged by current dissatisfaction.

Habakkuk’s complaint would be the oppression of the ruling nation, Babylon. But he goes to God with it.
What do we do with our complaint?  Do we target other people, do we shift the responsibility elsewhere?

“The company just doesn’t value me, I should be paid a lot more than this” – so we moan to our colleagues.

“The Church doesn’t do such and such, don’t they understand …”  so we complain to those around us.

“My wife never …”   “My husband always …”  So we complain to someone of the opposite sex – thats a set up for a disaster!

OR do we climb into our watchtower and seek God – do we pound on heaven, rather than complain to others. Do we wrestle it through with the Holy Spirit – Jacob did this and came out limping, but it defined the entire future of Israel. 

Habakkuk did this and the deliverance from Babylon came.

Jesus would regularly go up a mountain to pray – this is what enabled Him to live and fulfil His life calling, the giant dream in the valley.

David would spend a lot of time up the mountain, with sheep, no one to talk to but God.  It enabled him to face giants and defeat them.

2016 has huge blessings in it for you.  It has great opportunities awaiting.  Huge dreams to start or finish. But what is certain is our 2016 is best found ‘up the mountain’ and not in the valley.  It is best found seeking and walking with God, not in the tempting offerings of everything around us.

Seated higher we get a better view.  Down here we see the lost, up there we see every soul a harvest.
Down here we may see a marriage looking dull, up there its amazing!
Sometimes our situation doesn’t need to change – our perspective needs to change.

If we come to Him and seek Him in our areas of current dissatisfaction we allow a dream from God to be awakened. His answer may surprise us – He is not pushing us away, but re-envisioning our future.

Believing for an incredibly blessed 2016 for you.