Tuesday, February 18


In 2001 I hit a moment in my career where it was clear to me that I deserved to be paid more than I was for the job I was doing.  So right was I that an attitude began to develop.  ‘If they don’t pay me more I’m out of here’ was what I would say (to myself!)

Then God convicted me – I should not leave the company with an attitude unresolved.  So I began to work on my attitude.  I became content with my job and stayed. Not long after I was asked to take on a role that was not only a dream job, it also allowed me to fit it around my new pastoring role and was paid nearly double for it.  Not a coincidence I think!

“God if you don’t answer this prayer, I’m out of here!”

How many of us have reached a point where we have got frustrated, disappointed or angry with God for something He hasn’t seemed to have done? We develop an attitude.  This becomes more of a test on us than a threat toward God to act!

In this blog I want to share with you some tips on how to correctly ask for a pay rise, and at the same time learn a little about how the nature of God too.

Some things we need to understand before asking for a pay rise: 
  • it is rare that a boss isn’t giving you a pay rise because he or she is mean.
  • they have a limited budget.
  • they have other people they also have to consider if they give you a rise.
  • they need a clear and distinct reason why you deserve it over others.
  • maybe you are not as good as you think you are.
So when you are ask for a pay rise :
  • approach your boss with a good attitude toward them and your company.
  • think for your boss about where the budget could come from.
  • present the distinctive extra you are doing that makes you unique amongst your colleagues.  Never say – I work so hardI’ve been here so long …) You are better saying, I will take on that extra projectwe could reorientate my role to look like …, I am consistently delivering at the top of the team, …
  • always bear in mind others may see your performance differently to you, so be humble.  Make it an opportunity to learn how they think you can perform better, and therefore attract a pay rise in the future.
Going back to the situation where God may not be answering us in the way we want.  What can we learn?
  • God is never holding out on us because He is mean – Jesus uses the illustration of a father that would never given a scorpion to his child who had asked for a fish; how much then would our Heavenly Father only do good to us (Luke 11:11)
  • God is never holding out because He is limited – He is able to do so much more than we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)
  • our attitude attracts God’s favour – the channels He works through (usually others) recognize an attitude. We work on attitude.
  • He has given us the resourcefulness to do something about it ourselves. Help Him rework the budget!  Reposition how the job looks, knock on some doors, work an extra job, start a business on the side, go to a marriage counsellor, get back into Church full heartedly, ask a friend for advice or prayer …
  • always remember He sees things differently to us – He is God – He will always ensure it remains that way. Let’s be humble. In our humility, and in our faith, keep seeking and keep asking, for your breakthrough is yet to come, there are more heavenly surprises out there than you think.  But even if a surprise does not come – He is still God, He is still good and He is still unlimited – we just don’t see all or understand all.
We are not entitled but we are blessed, if we stay humble and persistent we become channels for His empowering grace to do something, to change our perspective on how we see things and keep Him positioned as Lord.
I am believing for your future to prosper, as you keep Jesus at the centre.