Saturday, April 20

Author: Steve Warren

Dutch, Personal Life

Oude Manieren brengen Nieuwe Dagen

Consistent zijn is zijn als een rots. Consistent gebruik maken van jouw gaven zorgen ervoor dat je straalt. Een consistent karakter zorgt ervoor dat je sterk bent. Consistentie is opstaan op een geroutineerde tijd. Elke dag drie maaltijden eten. Regelmatig vroeg naar het werk gaan. Iedere ochtend met klanten bellen. Met mensen zijn die jou nodig hebben en jouw wereld bouwen. Bidden en de bijbel lezen als routine en niet als inspiratie. Regelmatig naar de kerk gaan en niet alleen wanneer je voelt dat je “het nodig hebt”. Je rekeningen aan het begin van de maand betalen, en niet “als er nog iets over is”. Als je wacht op inspiratie mis je bijna elke mogelijkheid. Mogelijkheden kloppen op al onze deuren, maar het is de persoon met gewoontes die voorbereid is wanneer het komt. Dus consist

Amsterdam Amsterdam

I love Amsterdam! You cannot move through this city and be silent or let dreams lie. Amsterdam you have a way of drawing out the voice and the dreams in your people. I love that! You cannot move through this city and get away with drab! Amsterdam you have a way of painting colour on every drab canvas. I love that! You cannot move through this city and not smile at what you see. Amsterdam you have a way of bringing out expressions of all human feeling, imagination and thought. I love that! You attract the nations, you influence the nations ... you are no doubt a city of cities. Your past achievements and your future promise is way bigger than the humble voice you give yourself. I love that! Amsterdam we love you ...
Personal Life, Work Life

I Love Amsterdam

A commentary on my city from a city centre cafe ... I love Amsterdam. But then not a difficult city to love. My city has culture, colour, art, archtecture, history. The people of my city are alive, fun, astute, authentic, inventive, tough, vibrant and creative. Amsterdam does everything with style and yet still it works! Rare to find function and form both working together at its best. Our people are open, direct, discoverers of the new. We never let an obstacle get us down, there is ALWAYS a way through. As we remember 9/11 and salute the heroic citizens of NY, their strength, tenacity to go on and rebuild I realise we aren't talking about NY per se, but human kind. As I keep my eyes open to the people around me I realise these are human qualities of endeavor, triumph and creative t...
Personal Life

Don’t give up on them …

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Isaiah 59:1 It never ceases to amaze me the sort of people God uses to build His Church and establish His Kingdom. Paul, public enemy number 1 to the Gospel. Gideon, full of fear, hiding in the wine press. Moses, an orphan to his culture, a murderer and refugee. Jesus Himself came from Nazereth, the place they said 'can anything good from Nazereth'. God specialises in being able to reach the difficult, the unlikely, the rejected ... And turns them into world changers. King Saul becomes Number 1 enemy of David, God's anointed. Saul appears impossible to reach. He's in a moment of murderous anger toward David, yet the Spirit of God falls on Him on one occassion and he begins to prophecy (1 Samuel 19:23)....
Personal Life


In order to achieve all that God intended we must be transformed into His likeness. An old identity is buried and we take on a new identity in Christ. We are transformed into a new creation the moment we ask Christ into our lives. However, there are many aspects of our lives that take time to transform. I have found that there are 3 effective ways to be transformed: 1. Transformation by renovation Paul tells the Roman believers that they are “transformed by the renewing of your minds” John 15:10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love...” His Word & obedience to it renovates who we are and what we do. As we read His Word, let it read us and be changed by it – as it lives in us, challenges our thinking, moulds our behaviour so our identity in Christ emerges. 2.