Friday, January 17

Family Life

Safe people, safe places
Family Life, Leadership, Uncategorized

Safe people, safe places

If there was ever a time the world needed some stability it would be right now. We're going to take a few minutes to look at the behaviours and actions of a person you might call 'safe'. Because right now safe people, and safe places, might just be what people are needing. What if we could provide the community with some security, not so much in terms of what next month may look like, but in terms of people and places that are consistent, secure, predictable, with peace, hope, that are restorative, in other words safe people and safe places. Whilst the Bible is very much full of stories of travel, adventure, extraordinary feats of faith, injunctions to go, conquer, take ground; yet the greatest act of faith is to stand the ground of your inner world. To remain steady in t...
Family Life, Leadership, Personal Life, Work Life


Just as peace is not simply the absence of conflict, it is a substance and behaviour all in its' own right; and likewise joy is not defined as the absence of sadness, so unity is not defined as the absence of disunity. Clearly there is an absence of disunity when there is unity but this is not the purpose or the definition. Light is not the absence of darkness. Quite the opposite - darkness is the absence of light. Light is the quality not darkness. Unity is a substance all on its own - therefore it is an action - it’s tangible. BE ONE Let’s talk about unity. There is a general acceptance and belief that unity matters.  In fact unity is essential for overcoming any challenging situation.   How many times have we heard the speeches of great leaders starting with
How to build community in an isolated society
Family Life, Personal Life

How to build community in an isolated society

Take a few moments to read this extremely helpful advice from one of our team - Jamie Baker (instagram: jamiedbaker) : These last few days and weeks have been somewhat of a rollercoaster. Many of you likely feel how I do: baffled by the measures we’ve had to go to in order to contain the coronavirus pandemic; concerned by how many different people I have contact with every day who could leave me infected; confident that, being young, healthy, and faith-filled, this will not end badly; and slightly overwhelmed by toilet roll-related memes. Different countries appear to be at varying stages of lock-down, but it seems almost the entire church globally has been forced to branch out online. For some, this is mandated by government restrictions, for others, it’s sheer wisdom. But
Family Life, Personal Life, Work Life

Try This 30-Day Process for a Happy and Productive 2018

Plus a free productivity worksheet Happy New Year! For a lot of us, a new year means a new start. Maybe you felt a little stuck in 2017, like your days weren’t adding up to the life you really wanted. I can relate. Not that many years ago, I was stuck too. I’d put two books on the New York Times bestsellers list, but the days of sitting down at a coffee shop and easily firing off words seemed long gone. Instead, I’d become a horrible procrastinator. The process of writing a book was taking years instead of months. And worse, writing had become a chore rather than a positive work habit. I thought the problem was with me. But as I researched procrastination, I realized the problem was in how I was structuring my day. It turns out, the brain works like a muscle, growing weary and
Family Life

The power of a child

You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. Psalm 8:2 There is no doubt the power of a child that speaks of the strength of God.  The faith of a child as they declare and praise Jesus binds the forces of hell and releases the power of heaven. We should never make God sound like a religious figure or the Bible a set of stories that sound like fantasy. Children should be taught the realness of God, the ways of His grace and shown the demonstration of His power.  The natural believing element of a child will turn the Truth of the bible into power very easily. They are a force in overcoming the enemy. Out of the lips of children will come true praise. Praise that has pure motive, that is not 'too' clever, that shows of