Tuesday, February 18


Jesus only?

Jesus only?

It is post-Easter. Jesus has risen. He has met with his disciples a couple of times. In the absence of knowing what next, the disciples keep a semblance of a routine going. Always a good thing when your world is upside down, to remain consistent in healthy routines. 7 go fishing. They catch nothing all night! Not good when half the crew are experienced fisherman. Someone calls from the shore telling them to cast the net out on the other side and try again. Curious, tired, bewildered, they do it. They catch a catch of a lifetime. The nets are bursting. Fish jumping all over the place. But get this. See what Peter does. ... they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord
Staying authentic in a conflicted world
Leadership, Personal Life, Uncategorized

Staying authentic in a conflicted world

Recent years have reshaped how we need to approach the world, our lives and ministry. I'm not just talking about the effects of the pandemic, but also shifts in sociological norms, the savage pressures of media on Churches and the shifting expectations from within ourselves. We need to navigate this well as our future success and well being will hinge on it. It has been my observation that there are some fundamentals we need to keep in shape in order for us to stay strong in the midst of these onslaughts. These observations, I trust, will help us live free of internal conflict or division, hence why I use the word 'authentic' to describe them. Authenticity in its purist sense is being the real deal. It is a behaviour that is integrated within oneself. A person who is w...
What on earth am I here to do?
Personal Life, Uncategorized

What on earth am I here to do?

In the background are all the usual party sounds, the bustling of glasses, coffee cups and chatter.  Music is faintly penetrating these sounds to bring an ambiance to the evening. Yet through this are the tones of Lizby talking to a couple of people.  I can’t make out exactly what she is saying, but I know it’s her voice, I know her tone, her vocal rhythm and intonations.  I can even tell the mood of the conversation.  She is so familiar to me it isn’t difficult to hear this through all the other background noises. There is an echo in our spirit.  It’s a heavenly sound, which is why it is sometimes so quiet, it sounds different to other sounds, it is not pushy but it is insistent, it doesn’t take over, but it can consume, it isn’t a demand, but it is a call
4 Enemies of your Purpose

4 Enemies of your Purpose

Purpose, isn't that what we all feel we want to be living for? It is probably one of the strongest forces in us, is the need to feel our lives have meaning. Growing up as a teenager I had a growing sense of what I wanted to do, no details, just a vague direction; I am living in that right now, 30 plus years later (who's counting anyway!) Here are some lessons I've learnt what the 4 enemies are to living a fulfilling sense of purpose. If you are searching more on this topic right now, try out our What is your meaning website. 1. All at once I want it, and I want it NOW. I have the vineyard, but I want the grapes also, in fact I want the champagne NOW! The desire for overnight success will be an enemy to your purpose. Little by little I will drive them out before you...
Seek God …
Personal Life, Uncategorized

Seek God …

He revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel. The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. Psalm 103:7,8 An interesting differentiation between the aspect of God that Moses got to see, and what everyone else got to see. Moses intentionally sought the face of God. He longed for the presence of God, he desired to know God deeply personally. In this search God was able to reveal to Him, who He is - His character. Moses called on God "Show me your glory" (Exodus 33). And God did, He visited Moses with His presence and revealed His character - compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love - the statement God used of Himself - revealed to Moses, not everyone else. For others, all they got to see was the ou...