Monday, January 20


The Royal Law
Leadership, Personal Life, Uncategorized

The Royal Law

If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbour as yourself,” you are doing right. James 2:8 NIV The ROYAL law - to love others, whoever they might be, from whatever background, broken, whole, … this is dignity, this is carrying ourselves with honour, because we give honour.  There is no more supreme act of faith. When we love someone as ourselves we are showing 'royal' behaviour. It's supreme, it trumps all other behaviours, it is how disciples show the world that we are followers of Jesus, by our love for one another. It is how our communities discover a love that is beyond normal. I like to put it like this, we are here to be the hope on every street. How can I be hope to my street?  By being the pastor to my street - given the royal law, o
Safe people, safe places
Family Life, Leadership, Uncategorized

Safe people, safe places

If there was ever a time the world needed some stability it would be right now. We're going to take a few minutes to look at the behaviours and actions of a person you might call 'safe'. Because right now safe people, and safe places, might just be what people are needing. What if we could provide the community with some security, not so much in terms of what next month may look like, but in terms of people and places that are consistent, secure, predictable, with peace, hope, that are restorative, in other words safe people and safe places. Whilst the Bible is very much full of stories of travel, adventure, extraordinary feats of faith, injunctions to go, conquer, take ground; yet the greatest act of faith is to stand the ground of your inner world. To remain steady in t...
A Surprising Story

A Surprising Story

It’s the closing of 2020. An unusual year to say the least, devastating for some, frustrating for all, and overwhelming for others.  So when I look back it's good to see the hand of God at work, because I know He is up to something in the midst of our turmoil. When I look back and see where we have come I am regularly surprised at the hand of God in so many unexpected ways. Before I share this story it should be noted that whilst I have an interest in property investment, I am not a property expert. And whilst I come from a family of entrepreneurs, I do not see myself as primarily that. I am primarily a local Church pastor, determined to see the very best for our church, and devoted to Jesus, determined to ensure He shines in what we and I do. So this story is more
How do I handle difference of opinion?

How do I handle difference of opinion?

Do you ever feel challenged by conflict, or something that may seem like conflict? Most of us don't like conflict. Now in many situations we are in, or meetings we are leading, what we are experiencing isn't conflict but the healthy expression of differing opinions. In a course I ran recently on Collaborative leadership I did a session on 'How do I handle difference of opinion?' - In my view this is probably one of the most helpful sessions of the course. If we do not create safe climates in our teams, whether the team leader or team member, we will not nurture some of the great ideas or course of actions we need to be taking. I know you will enjoy this session. You can find the full Collaborative Leadership series here ...
Personal Life, Uncategorized

I’ve got a control issue!

Ever wondered why you like to be in control? You may not be a 'control freak' but if you don't have somewhat of a control issue then you are probably not fully human! We have an innate desire to control our environment, our lives, relationships and, well, pretty much everything! In turn we fall in the trap of things controlling us; our money, our performance, habits, desires and, well, pretty much anything! Yet, if we could resist the slightly freakish internal control demand for a moment we might discover some powerful tools that will break this control issue. In the words of Clay Scroggins in his book ‘How to Lead in a World of Distraction’ you need to ‘Turn down the noise long enough to be curious about what’s inside of you.’ As we turn down the distracting white noises ar