Saturday, April 20

Work Life

Personal Life, Work Life

I Love Amsterdam

A commentary on my city from a city centre cafe ... I love Amsterdam. But then not a difficult city to love. My city has culture, colour, art, archtecture, history. The people of my city are alive, fun, astute, authentic, inventive, tough, vibrant and creative. Amsterdam does everything with style and yet still it works! Rare to find function and form both working together at its best. Our people are open, direct, discoverers of the new. We never let an obstacle get us down, there is ALWAYS a way through. As we remember 9/11 and salute the heroic citizens of NY, their strength, tenacity to go on and rebuild I realise we aren't talking about NY per se, but human kind. As I keep my eyes open to the people around me I realise these are human qualities of endeavor, triumph and creative t...
Dutch, Family Life, Personal Life, Work Life

Gebruik Je Verstand

In Collosenzen 3 geeft Paulus ons een aantal geweldige en eenvoudige adviezen over hoe je slim kunt zijn in relaties. Lees maar: “Verdraag elkaar en vergeef elkaar als iemand een ander iets te verwijten heeft… kleed u in de liefde” “Mannen hou van je vrouw…vrouwen wees eensgezind met je man…kinderen gehoorzaam je ouders…vaders, vit niet op je kinderen…werknemers, werk goed voor je werkgever…werkgevers behandel je personeel eerlijk.” Ieder moment van onze dag zit vol met sociale interactie. Als we hier niet goed in worden dan leren we nooit de belangrijkste vaardigheid in het leven. Alle succesvolle relaties vragen van ons om: - Elkaar te behandelen zoals je zelf behandeld wil worden - Iedereen respecteren - Op de juiste manier reageren in de situaties waarin je verzeil
Family Life, Personal Life, Work Life

Be Smart

Paul in Colossian 3 gives us some of the greatest and simplest advice when it comes to being smart in relationships. Look at this: "Make allowance for each others' faults ... forgive the person who offends you ... put on love." "Husbands love your wives ... wives flow with your husband ... children obey your parents ... fathers don't aggravate your children ... employees serve your employer well ... employer treat your staff fairly." Every moment of our day is filled with social interaction. If we don't get good at this we won't learn to turn the most important wheel of life. Successful relationships of any kind require us to: - Treat others as we would want to be treated - Show respect to all - Respond appropriately to situations you come across Some advice: Respond thoughtfully...
Personal Life, Work Life

Today’s Behaviour Tomorrow’s Result

“I realized that for IBM to become a great company it would have to act like a great company long before it ever became one”
 Tom Watson, Founder IBM There are 3 principles that are certain to help you get to your desired destination: 1. See that destination 2. Believe you can achieve that destination 3. Act now in ways that will best determine that outcome When you begin to adjust your behaviour now to look like your future you begin living it before it becomes reality. This will determine your reality. If you have ambitions to become a director in your company but never hang with senior staff and talk about the ‘them and us’ you will remain one of ‘us’. If you know how to bridge the junior and senior levels in your talk and behaviour you will become one of ’them’. One o
Family Life, Financial Life, Personal Life, Work Life


Sensational thought from Ps Phil Pringle as we go into Christmas and as we think about the start of a new year ... birthing your purpose - read this: 'And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son.' Luke 1:31 All of us, like Mary, are to conceive the purpose of God for ourselves through an encounter with God. When something is 'birthed' in us by the Holy Spirit, nothing can stop it coming to pass.  read more ...