Sunday, January 12

Tag: 3 john 1:2

Work Life

Work Life : Case study Apostle Paul part 2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 There is no doubt that God is wanting you to do well in life, including in our work.  Continuing on from yesterday's blog here are the final 2 things I want us to consider from the life of Paul that will help us maximise our work experience and financial capability. 4.    Help others to succeed You know that these hands of mine have worked to supply my own needs and even the needs of those who were with me. Acts 20:34 Paul paid for a team to travel with him.  This was a team of 7 men (possibly families) for a few months!  He enabled their futures to unfold.  He opened doors of experience and opportunity. In building your career build others too : Your boss, your colleagu
Work Life

Work Life : Case Study Apostle Paul part 1

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 There is no doubt that God is wanting you to do well in life.  One major area of our lives is our work.  Prosper here and it effects many things - our work relationships, our family, community and finances.  There are 5 things I want us to consider from the life of Paul that will help us maximise our work experience and financial capability. The Apostle Paul : A CASE STUDY (part 1) Paul was zealous in everything he did. Highly educated as a Pharisee and ambitious for his cause. He later directed this motivation toward serving Christ and the Church.  He took advice as needed to fulfill this cause.  However, he also worked on developing another skill (tent making) to supplemen
Family Life, Financial Life, Health Life, Personal Life, Work Life

A Flippin’ Good Life!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 It is God's desire that you prosper, in every area of your everyday life. In your marriage, with your children, in your work and finances, in your health and soul, in your friendships.  John in his older years sees with perspective about what is important in life - not the achievement of goals, ambitions or the accumulation of wealth only. But a holistic life that is on an upward journey. A healthy and prospering life will always end up being fruitful, productive, and achieving of ambitions.  But put the focus the other way around and life becomes self-consuming. There are 3 things that stand in the way of us seeing our lives prosperous or desiring this for others: 1. Doubt