Tuesday, February 18

Tag: bible college

Personal Life


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory. John 1:14 Jesus is The Word. If you were to approach the Bible like we approach Jesus think how alive it would become to you.  "In Him (The Word) was life" John 1:4.  The words of the pages of this book can be alive to us. It has the power to change your life as Jesus did to first save you.  Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and watch your life transform and the world around you shift. Get started: Make a Plan: Choose a bible translation you like, a regular time & place to read your bible and pick a bible reading schedule (see YouVersion for ideas) - plans build habits that build your life. Vary your Read:  Read large sections – get the overview, culture, stories, God’s master plan.  Read