Tuesday, February 18

Tag: budget

Financial Life

Money that Works

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Isaiah 55:2 The simple rule of thumb when it comes to financial management is only spend what you have. Not what you will have, or would like to have, not what you think you deserve. Otherwise you will have a lifestyle that is unmatched by your current affordability. "If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall." Bill Earle Staying liquid is and always will be fundamental to us staying on top of our financial world and having personal confidence in this area. 3 things to consider when looking to make your finances work well: 1. Budget - it doesn't matter how much m...

Financiën die werken!

Waarom geld betalen voor iets dat geen brood is, je loon besteden aan wat niet verzadigen kan? Luister aandachtig naar mij, en je zult ruimschoots te eten hebben. Jesaja 55:2 Een eenvoudige vuistregel bij financieel management is: geef alleen uit wat je hebt. Niet wat je zult hebben, of zou willen hebben, ook niet wat je denkt dat  je verdient. Anders heb je een levensstijl die niet past bij wat je je kunt veroorloven. “Als je meer uitgeeft dan er binnenkomt, dan zal het onderhoud je achteruitgang zijn.” Bill Earle Liquide blijven is fundamenteel om boven op onze financiële wereld te blijven en een persoonlijk vertrouwen te hebben in dit gebied. 3 dingen om te overwegen wanneer je je financiën voor je wilt laten werken. 1.    Budget – Het maakt niet uit hoeveel geld je hebt. Budge
Financial Life

Finance that Works

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Isaiah 55:2 The simple rule of thumb when it comes to financial management is only spend what you have. Not what you will have, or would like to have, not what you think you deserve. Otherwise you will have a lifestyle that is unmatched by your current affordability. "If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall." Bill Earle Staying liquid is and always will be fundamental to us staying on top of our financial world and having personal confidence in this area. 3 things to consider when looking to make your finances work well: 1. Budget - it doesn't matter how much...
Financial Life

Debt Free

"At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts." Deuteronomy 15:1 NKJV Getting out of debt can feel like a long recovery process. How good to know that God is with you in your pursuit of freedom. He is committed to you being on top of your financial world and living with more than enough, abundantly. Some helpful tips to get you going on the road to recovery: - draw up a budget and know exactly your financial situation - put your debts into the cheapest repayment situation possible - commit to a manageable repayment process (make agreements with utility companies, credit card/banks etc). Think long term about this so you don't feel regularly disappointed by the debt you have. - look to better earning opportunities (extra work, higher paid job), but don't plac...