Friday, January 17

Tag: children

Family Life

The power of a child

You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. Psalm 8:2 There is no doubt the power of a child that speaks of the strength of God.  The faith of a child as they declare and praise Jesus binds the forces of hell and releases the power of heaven. We should never make God sound like a religious figure or the Bible a set of stories that sound like fantasy. Children should be taught the realness of God, the ways of His grace and shown the demonstration of His power.  The natural believing element of a child will turn the Truth of the bible into power very easily. They are a force in overcoming the enemy. Out of the lips of children will come true praise. Praise that has pure motive, that is not 'too' clever, that shows of
Family Life

5 Things Kids (and others) Need – part2

When thinking about what I could give a 20 year old looking for a spiritual father figure 5 things very quickly came to mind. They aptly relate to family life (no surprise) and are what I would consider the highest needs of your natural kids but also those you are discipling (who might be 10 or more years younger than you). Yesterday we looked at the first 2. Lets look at 3 more: 3.  FAMILY LIFE Psalm 68:6 NKJV God sets the solitary in families… We are made to flourish in the context of family. So if you live alone, join yourself to others, a family circle, join yourself to a Church circle that replicates family. So if you are a family have people in your home, don’t make your home private. You can be family for others. The eating together, the talking, debating, laughter, co