Sunday, January 12

Tag: colossians

Personal Life, Work Life


In all the work you are doing, work the best you can (or with all your heart). Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people. Remember that you will receive your reward from the Lord, which he promised to his people. You are serving the Lord Christ.  Colossians 3:23,24  Abraham, a wealthy man, with many servants goes out of his way, personally to run to and serve 3 strangers passing by.  He shows due respect, he goes above and beyond what was expected, he is the servant of servants.   But WHY?  Why would he do this? Why would we do this? Why do we do this?  WHY SERVE?  I have called the philosophy of serving, SERVOLOGY - why not?! 1.  SERVOLOGY knows who it serves Abraham hears God, leaves his home land and begins a journey to a new and unknown place.  God's great myst
Personal Life

Raised to Life Kolossenzen 2:11-23

Deze 2de boodschap van Kolossenzen 2 komt van een ongelofelijke passage uit de Bijbel. “God heeft je levend gemaakt met Christus”, “Hij heeft het document met aanklachten tegen ons uitgewist”, “Dus laat niemand je veroordelen”, Dus waarom blijf je de regels van de wereld volgen”, “Want je bent begraven met Christus toen je werd gedoopt.” Vandaag werpen we alles van ons af dat ons tegen houdt, we begrijpen onze vrijheid en de vrijheid van het evangelie. En we vieren dit alles in de doop. Dus als je nog niet bent gedoopt in water, aarzel dan niet langer en heb het erover met de connectgroep leider of stuur een email naar   Podcast    Connect Notes Week 12 (NL)   Connect Notes Week 12 (ENG)

The Path of a Pioneering Leader

On Sunday 16th March 2014 I will preach a message to our Church from Colossians 1:24-29 called 'The Path of a Leader'.  Paul works hard in this passage to show the price he has paid for pioneering the way for many believers and Churches. There are 3 critical factors to understand about the path of a pioneering leader, which actually are absolutely critical for every believer to take on board and live out too. Paul shows us that a pioneering leader pays a price ("I suffer for you"), empowers others to be included ("Christ lives in you") and takes a high responsibility for the task of discipleship ("We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ"). More on 16th March, or if you are in Arnhem or Enschede then more this coming Sunday 16 February. I just rea