Monday, January 20

Tag: courage

Safe people, safe places
Family Life, Leadership, Uncategorized

Safe people, safe places

If there was ever a time the world needed some stability it would be right now. We're going to take a few minutes to look at the behaviours and actions of a person you might call 'safe'. Because right now safe people, and safe places, might just be what people are needing. What if we could provide the community with some security, not so much in terms of what next month may look like, but in terms of people and places that are consistent, secure, predictable, with peace, hope, that are restorative, in other words safe people and safe places. Whilst the Bible is very much full of stories of travel, adventure, extraordinary feats of faith, injunctions to go, conquer, take ground; yet the greatest act of faith is to stand the ground of your inner world. To remain steady in t...
Leadership, Personal Life

A leader is born through vulnerability and courage

Reconciling vulnerability, leadership and courage It requires courage to be vulnerable.  A vulnerable leader is a strong leader, if he or she chooses courage. The age old debate is whether leaders are born or made.  Well, actually, it’s probably not much of a debate any more, I think it is pretty accepted that it is a mixture of both.  There is a certain personality mix that gives some people a head start on the leadership path.  However, the qualities, capacity and design of a leader are made, developed and forged.  Furthermore this would be by far the more significant factor to whether someone is a leader or not, well above personality, having the right start in life or any other inherent factor. In the process of being formed as a leader, it is my
Family Life, Personal Life


Men, stand up!  Let me remind you how God has wired you so today you may take some confidence in your manhood. 1.  MEN ARE COURAGEOUS I have written to you, young men, Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, And you have overcome the wicked one. 1 John 2:14 Men are strong and competitive by nature – overcomers.  Adventurous (faith) and bold.  We put childish things behind us and take strong steps for ourselves and for others in our world. The courageous put courage in others. Speak out for and defend your friends, your wife, your kids and others – “I'm proud of you”, “I love you”, “You have a great future”.  Step out yourself to demonstrate courage - this inspires others. 2.  MEN ARE DECISION MAKERS But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is l