Saturday, February 15

Tag: creativity

Financial Life, Personal Life, Work Life

One idea could change your life …

We will either find a way or make one. Hannibal Ingenuity is the creative force that drives new directions, new approaches, different markets, new work style. It is important we find our creative space on a regular basis. What works for you? Ingenuity thrives in space and under pressure. You can create space. I would not recommend you create unnecessary pressure – obstacles, resistance and setbacks generally come all by themselves! When they come go to the “I will either find a way or make one” attitude. There is always a way through. There is always another approach. Possibilities can always be created. Say to yourself “I am a creator”. Make sure you also make space for creative thinking. Put time aside to unlock your thinking and think ‘beyond’. If necessary go to a specific
Personal Life, Work Life

I Love Amsterdam

A commentary on my city from a city centre cafe ... I love Amsterdam. But then not a difficult city to love. My city has culture, colour, art, archtecture, history. The people of my city are alive, fun, astute, authentic, inventive, tough, vibrant and creative. Amsterdam does everything with style and yet still it works! Rare to find function and form both working together at its best. Our people are open, direct, discoverers of the new. We never let an obstacle get us down, there is ALWAYS a way through. As we remember 9/11 and salute the heroic citizens of NY, their strength, tenacity to go on and rebuild I realise we aren't talking about NY per se, but human kind. As I keep my eyes open to the people around me I realise these are human qualities of endeavor, triumph and creative t...
Personal Life


We will either find a way or make one. Hannibal Ingenuity is the creative force that drives new directions, new approaches, different markets, new work style. It is important we find our creative space on a regular basis.  What works for you? Ingenuity thrives in space and under pressure.  You can create space.  I would not recommend you create unnecessary pressure – obstacles, resistance and setbacks generally come all by themselves!  When they come go to the “I will either find a way or make one” attitude. There is always a way through.  There is always another approach.  Possibilities can always be created.  Say to yourself “I am a creator”. Make sure you also make space for creative thinking.  Put time aside to unlock your thinking and think ‘beyond’. If necessary go to a spec