Thursday, April 25

Tag: delegate

Work Life

“To delegate or not to delegate?” that is the question!

Today I want to give some key note input to this important topic - delegation.  These notes will help both those doing the delegation and those being delegated to.  It also applies to when delegating to a team, not just to an individual. WHAT IS DELEGATION? synonyms for delegation: assignment, entrusting, giving, committal, devolution, deputation,  key concepts in delegation:  'Mission':  delegation is purposeful, it is definable.  'Entrusting': delegation is the giving away of work tasks, projects or assignments with a trust that it will be completed to a certain standard.  'Deputation':  the one who is delegated to is acting on behalf of another. WHY DELEGATION IS IMPORTANT Delegation makes the best use of your skills and time, whilst, at the same time it empowers & s