Monday, January 20

Tag: development

Work Life

Situational Leadership

An article I have found very helpful, I trust you do too, by Leigh Anthony, Demand Media: Situational leadership is a leadership style that has been developed and studied by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey. Situational leadership refers to when the leader or manager of an organization must adjust his style to fit the development level of the followers he is trying to influence. With situational leadership, it is up to the leader to change his style, not the follower to adapt to the leader’s style. In situational leadership, the style may change continually to meet the needs of others in the organization based on the situation. Telling And Directing In telling/directing, the leader of the organization is the one making the decisions and informing others in the organization
Personal Life

Grow Yourself!

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.    1 Corinthians 3:6 Growth is both essential to our lives and the natural by-product of a healthy life. We should be ambitious to grow ourselves, our relationships, our careers and sphere of influence. Growth comes from 3 simple steps: 1. Plug into a growth source 2. Maintain the conditions for growth 3. Water the areas you intend to grow (work on it) A growth source would be a growing Church, a growing company, others people who are developmental and growing and of course God Himself. Pluging-in, or 'getting planted' means proactively connecting to and involvement with. Conditions for growth are a humble spirit, willing to learn with a healthy self-awareness. The input of positive growth influencers. In the same way