Tuesday, February 18

Tag: giving

Financial Life

A business owners help to Tithing

Over time different business owners have asked me how they should approach tithing as a business owner. Questions like "Do I tithe from my business?", "Do I tithe on profit or turnover?", "Do I tithe before major reinvestment or after?", "Do I tithe in a year I'm in debt?".  All such questions are very good ones. This blog is not just a compilation of my thoughts but a brief summary of the thoughts of other business owners and pastors I have talked this through with.  It is targeted largely at people for whom profit and turnover are 2 very different figures.  If you are a business owner working on your own, offering a service, based out of your home with little overheads then your fee income will be pretty much the same as your business profit, so simply tithing each month off what you
Financial Life

Finance that Works

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Isaiah 55:2 The simple rule of thumb when it comes to financial management is only spend what you have. Not what you will have, or would like to have, not what you think you deserve. Otherwise you will have a lifestyle that is unmatched by your current affordability. "If your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall." Bill Earle Staying liquid is and always will be fundamental to us staying on top of our financial world and having personal confidence in this area. 3 things to consider when looking to make your finances work well: 1. Budget - it doesn't matter how much...