Tuesday, February 18

Tag: health

Staying authentic in a conflicted world
Leadership, Personal Life, Uncategorized

Staying authentic in a conflicted world

Recent years have reshaped how we need to approach the world, our lives and ministry. I'm not just talking about the effects of the pandemic, but also shifts in sociological norms, the savage pressures of media on Churches and the shifting expectations from within ourselves. We need to navigate this well as our future success and well being will hinge on it. It has been my observation that there are some fundamentals we need to keep in shape in order for us to stay strong in the midst of these onslaughts. These observations, I trust, will help us live free of internal conflict or division, hence why I use the word 'authentic' to describe them. Authenticity in its purist sense is being the real deal. It is a behaviour that is integrated within oneself. A person who is w...
Family Life, Financial Life, Health Life, Personal Life, Work Life

A Flippin’ Good Life!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 It is God's desire that you prosper, in every area of your everyday life. In your marriage, with your children, in your work and finances, in your health and soul, in your friendships.  John in his older years sees with perspective about what is important in life - not the achievement of goals, ambitions or the accumulation of wealth only. But a holistic life that is on an upward journey. A healthy and prospering life will always end up being fruitful, productive, and achieving of ambitions.  But put the focus the other way around and life becomes self-consuming. There are 3 things that stand in the way of us seeing our lives prosperous or desiring this for others: 1. Doubt
Health Life

Living at optimum health in 2012 …

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis 1:26 & 31 Look at what God has made. It is good. You are good. He made you well. You carry His image. No mistake whatsoever. Learning to love what He has made … you … your body and learning to take care of it will revolutionise your world. Simple things you could do: 1. Exercise as part of your lifestyle: Moderate exercise for 30 minutes, 4 times per week. Eg. house work, gardening, walking to the shops. Or Vigorous exercise for 20 minutes, 3 times per week. 2. Find out what effects your motivation: As soon as you get home change into your gym gear Combine activities: walk and pray, walk and talk, cycle and pod Vary your rou
Personal Life

2012 gonna be the best yet …

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 My prayer for you in 2012 is as John's is. That you may prosper, be in health and be satisfied. We should never underestimate the importance of having peace of soul, wealth of spirit and soundness of mind when it comes to the sort of life we want to live and God wants us to live. Over the next 7 days I will release a blog a day which will set you up for the best possible start to 2012. This could be your best year yet. Happy New Year to you all ... See you in Church ...
Health Life

My Spirit

He who believes in Me as the Scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 When Christ has entered your world there is a river of life that flows out of the inside of you.  It is all that life is meant to be (full, healthy, joy-filled, strong, creative, grace-filled and prosperous).  It flows into your mind, your emotions, your body and out of you into the world around. When we let stuff get onto our hearts:  sin, bad attitude and the general dirt of life – we find our spirit hindered.  Go through a daily debunking and keep your spirit unhindered and you’ll find LIFE constantly flowing around your world. It’ll bring freedom to your soul and health to your body. 3 simple tips: Quickly forgive those who offend you, keep your attitude warm Quickly ask