Monday, January 20

Tag: hebrews

Personal Life


What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. Hebrews 11:1 NLT Faith is confidence. When faith takes a hold of you you can't help but feel like all things are possible.  Our hopes are realised when we are utterly convinced it will come to pass.  This confidence will cause faith to take a grip in your spirit. Confidence is a natural partner of a faith-life. Dealing with the things that steal our confidence will prevent our walk of faith being jeopardised. 1. The nag of a guilty conscience because we haven't sought forgiveness for things we've done wrong steals confidence. 2. Failure to forgive ourselves for things we've done will steal our confidence. 3. If we haven't forgiven others for wrongs done to us our confidence is weakened. 4. Broke