Sunday, January 12

Tag: husband

Family Life

Finding a Marriage Partner …

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" Proverbs 18:22” Clearly marriage should not be gone into lightly. However, for many the possibility of marriage is daunting - for you let me say ‘Fear not’! Ahead of you is one the most rewarding journeys imaginable. A covenant of the most significant order compared to Christ’s covenant with His Church. This thought should not be so much a daunting one but a liberating one. You do not enter marriage on your own. All of heaven is on your side. 3 simple tips in finding your marriage partner: 1. Take an honest look at yourself before you set the standards of the partner you are looking for. This will stop you from either under or over projecting! 2. Perfection doesn’t exist. Really. Whoever you marry there
Family Life

So you want a better wife?

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" Proverbs 18:22 Gratitude is the greatest gift to perspective. However guys, if you are ever tempted to want to improve your wife I have found the worlds greatest wife-improvement programme. It goes like this: Step 1 Look at self: what can I do to be a better husband? Step 2 Look at her: what can better husband do to make wife’s world a better place Step 3 Look at wife and notice smile! Result … better wife. "Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" Galatians 6:7 Every marriage will face its challenges. Every couple will find the temptation to compare ones partner with others. The greatest antidote to this common temptation is not to dwell so much on what he or she could do to be a better partner for you