Tuesday, February 18

Tag: inspired

Personal Life

Today’s Encounter Tomorrow’s Result

After the Wise Men met Jesus they had a dream and went home a different way. Joseph and Mary went down to Egypt and not back to Nazareth. The shepherds became story tellers. You cannot meet Christ and stay the same. Behaviours, habits, motivations, lives change. That unresolved attitude gets fixed up. That hard heart gets softened. That depressed view of life gets brightened. What road are you taking into 2011? A generous road? A road of improved relationships? A brighter road of some sort. Don't simply do the logical do what is inspired when you have encountered God. Logically the Wise Men would have told Herod about where Jesus was - good news to tell a king!  Joseph and Mary would have gone back to Nazareth to celebrate with family and friends. But neither did the logical.  Their