Sunday, January 12

Tag: John

Personal Life

Look Up!

"You know the saying, '4 months between planting and harvest.' But I say, wake up and LOOK around. The fields are already ripe for harvest." Luke 4:35 Looking up changes perspective. From then to now. From earth to heaven. From down to up. From sick to healed. Peter and John said to the lame man at the temple "look up at us!"  They were taking the man's eyes off the expectation of a financial report and onto Jesus, a change report. The shepherd's in the fields of Bethlehem, looked up for a weather report and saw angels and got a praise report. Their lives were forever changed. Look up and worship. Look up and see people, everywhere. Ready! Barnabas looked up and saw Paul when none else wanted anything to do with Him.  Look up and see others potential. Every human being is worth
Personal Life

A Fish in the Hand is worth 2 in the Sea

Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.” John 21:10 They had been fishing all night and caught nothing until Jesus came along. His Word into their situation caused huge fruitfulness. They made a large catch that morning as they threw the net over the other side of the boat following His word. As they came to shore Jesus asked them to join him for breakfast. He already had fish on the fire. Yet he says to them “BRING some of the fish which you have just caught." He doesn't need the fish. He wants to celebrate with their success. 'Come on show us what you've done.' We need to celebrate our successes, enjoy our discoveries, thank God that every blessing is our in Christ. Shrinking from the glory of what God has done in our lives is to steal glory from Him.