Friday, January 17

Tag: joy

Commentary, Personal Life

That’s Ridiculous

Read below or listen to the full message here. In boxing there is a combination of 3 power punches, used especially in close confinement, where your opponent is 'getting in your face'.  It is the right cross - left hook - right cross.   Paul ends his letter to the Philippians leaving us impacted with 3 power punches to our lives.  Locked in close confinement, in prison, yet keeping a good attitude Paul has more than enough authority to speak on these topics we will touch on today! The first right cross is revolutionise your life through your attitude.  He then comes in with the left hook - be utterly transformed by what you think on.  His final punch, leaving his audience reeling with new life is the right cross of 'ridiculous faith'.  In fact all 3 naturally speaking could be perceived
Health Life, Personal Life

Strength by Joy

"The joy of the Lord is my strength" Nehemiah 8:10 When your lacking strength what you need more than anything else is a revival of joy. Joy releases endorphins within the brain, along with dopamine another brain chemical that can boost your mood. It revives the soul as well as the body. Joy will empower you, conquor your fears, put light into your dark thoughts and step you into a renewed place. You will perform better at work when you are getting happy about being at work. You will have a better marriage when you rejoice over your family. You will perform better in almost anything you do. Enjoy - 'in-joy' step into joy - its a choice. Get around others who have joy. Rejoice - renew your joy through positive expression. 'Joy of the Lord' - Joy is found in the Lord. Get with Him and l...
Personal Life

A Shout

Isaiah 54:1,2 NIV "Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy … 2 "Enlarge the place of your tent ... " Our solutions can sometimes be hidden in the last thing we want to do. Shouting for joy when your situation seems hopeless. Giving into a miracle offering when you barely have enough. Reaching out to help another in trouble when you yourself are desperately in need of help. But God knows what He is doing. He always knows how to get out of us what we need. Water was provided in the wilderness as the Israelites began to sing about it (Numbers 21). A barren woman gives birth to children as she begins to sing about it. A place is enlarged as she begins to shout for joy. Try it today. Shout for joy. The freedom in you can get blocked up by the stuff