Thursday, April 25

Tag: peter

Personal Life

Look Up!

"You know the saying, '4 months between planting and harvest.' But I say, wake up and LOOK around. The fields are already ripe for harvest." Luke 4:35 Looking up changes perspective. From then to now. From earth to heaven. From down to up. From sick to healed. Peter and John said to the lame man at the temple "look up at us!"  They were taking the man's eyes off the expectation of a financial report and onto Jesus, a change report. The shepherd's in the fields of Bethlehem, looked up for a weather report and saw angels and got a praise report. Their lives were forever changed. Look up and worship. Look up and see people, everywhere. Ready! Barnabas looked up and saw Paul when none else wanted anything to do with Him.  Look up and see others potential. Every human being is worth
Personal Life

Gardens turned into Battle Fields

In Matthew 13 you can read a story of Jesus called the 'Parable of the sower'.  The story is about a farmer sowing seed, some falling on the path, some on stoney ground, some growing up amongst weeds and others on good, open soil.  The depth of their roots and the condition of their growth was down to these different environments. On first glance a very nice garden story.  But its not a nice garden story.  Its the story of fight for survival.  Fighting against the devil's schemes, the distractions and temptations around us, to deepen our spiritual root system and flourish in every circumstance. Jesus tells His disciples to let the Word of God take real effect in their lives. Not long after this, in the next chapter, the disciples face a huge challenge - on a boat in the middle of