Sunday, September 8

Tag: phil pringle

Heart & Hands – 2 of your greatest Business tools
Leadership, Work Life

Heart & Hands – 2 of your greatest Business tools

“And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skilful hands he led them.” Psalms‬ ‭78:72‬  2 aspects to being a successful leader : 1. Heart Your integrity, your passion, your godliness, your internal world is a huge part of your leadership and business success. Compromise this and you compromise your business. Your motivation, or 'why', for your business is critical. I sometimes hear people say "I am working for myself because I couldn't work for anyone else". The truth is you will never be a success working for yourself until you have learnt the ability to work for someone else. The 2 are not mutually exclusive. What you learn building someone else's vision, being subject to someone else's timetable are essential lessons in being a great leader.

Keep Walking A brilliant illustration of our message on Colossians 1:11 - Finishing well, Sunday 9 February. A video clip taken during an online message preached by Ps Phil. A creation of Ps Phil & Chris Pringle's. You're going to love this 30 second animation! For more on this great series see C3 This is Amazing Grace

The Great Power of Fasting — Ps Phil Pringle

  Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you. Hosea 10:12 The secret to a major breakthrough in any circumstance is to first breakthrough in prayer. When we add fasting to our praying we increase our effectiveness many times over. There is not a preacher, a pastor, or a group of Christians throughout all Christian history who have achieved some great thing for God that have been able to say, prayer was not part of it. Not just ordinary prayer either, but prayer that breaks through. Prayer and fasting bring breakthroughs that nothing else can. Even Jesus told his disciples some things cannot be achieved without prayer and fasting, (Mark 9:29). Saying a prayer is
Personal Life

Prayer & Fasting – Ps Phil Pringle

Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you. Hosea 10:12 The secret to a major breakthrough in any circumstance is to first breakthrough in prayer. When we add fasting to our praying we increase our effectiveness many times over. There is not a preacher, a pastor, or a group of Christians throughout all Christian history who have achieved some great thing for God that have been able to say, prayer was not part of it. Not just ordinary prayer either, but prayer that breaks through. Prayer and fasting bring breakthroughs that nothing else can. Even Jesus told his disciples some things cannot be achieved without prayer and fasting, (Mark 9:29). Saying a prayer is not the answ
Dutch, Health Life

Mijn Geest

'“Rivieren van levend water zullen stromen uit het hart van wie in mij gelooft,” zo zegt de Schrift.’ Johannes 7:38 Zodra Christus jouw wereld is binnengekomen, stroomt er een rivier van leven vanuit de binnenste. Het is alles wat het leven zou moeten zijn (volledig, gezond, gevuld met blijdschap, sterk, creatief, vol genade en voorspoedig) het stroomt in je denken, je emoties, je lichaam en vanuit jou naar de wereld om je heen. Wanneer we de volgende dingen in ons hart laten komen: zonde, slechte houding en de algemene vuiligheid van het leven, dan ontdekken we dat onze Geest gehinderd wordt. Ontmasker jezelf dagelijks en houdt je geest ongehinderd. Dan ontdek je dat LEVEN constant door jouw wereld stroomt. Het brengt vrijheid naar je ziel en gezondheid naar je lichaam. 3 eenvoudige