Monday, January 20

Tag: praying

Personal Life

Your 2016 is up the Mountain!

I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the lookout tower. I will watch to see what He will say to me  and what I should reply about my complaint. Habakkuk 2:1   Ever had a complaint?  or been dissatisfied with your current situation? If you have any vision at all there will be regular moments of being challenged by current dissatisfaction. Habakkuk’s complaint would be the oppression of the ruling nation, Babylon. But he goes to God with it. What do we do with our complaint?  Do we target other people, do we shift the responsibility elsewhere? “The company just doesn’t value me, I should be paid a lot more than this" - so we moan to our colleagues. “The Church doesn’t do such and such, don’t they understand …”  so we complain to those around us. “My wife never …”  
Personal Life

The Final Countdown …

On October 31 the people assembled again, and this time they fasted ... Nehemiah 9:1 In the book of Nehemiah we see the process of the people of God returning from captivity and reestablishing themselves with God. Fasting brings us clearly before God. Times of refreshing come as you consecrate yourself to the Lord and find He breaks off those loose ends that hang around. You are being shaped and revived for the next season of your life. What did these returning people of God do? - The first thing they did as a nation was to come around the Word of God. They read, but they also allowed it to speak. They fell to the ground in awe of its message and of God. - As they had need they sought to be purified by the Lord. - They also created shelters, spaces of encounters - setting a...