Sunday, January 12

Tag: psalms

Personal Life

You’ve got a story to tell

You clothed the earth with floods of water, water that covered even the mountains. At your command, the water fled; at the sound of your thunder, it hurried away. Mountains rose and valleys sank to the levels you decreed.  Psalm 104:6-8 Here David recounts the story of Noah and the flood. This would have been written down maybe as long ago as over 3000BC. David lived around 1000BC.  But as much seeing it in writing David would have been most familiar with it through the verbal passing on of the story. In Psalm 105 he recounts the story of the Israelites escape from Egypt, in Psalm 106 he goes onto recount yet another story. Today we rely on the internet and TV to inform us of history, philosophy and life impact, however how much more powerful for one to tell another. Story tellin
Personal Life

Making a decision doesn’t have to be a lottery!

COMMIT YOUR WAY to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, And HE shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5 1. How do we make decisions at the crossroads? COMMIT BEFORE YOU CHOOSE Make a decision before the decision that you are trusting God above anything else. Commit it into His hands. Sometimes its easier to make certain 'value-based' decisions before the pressure of that situation arises.  For example we decided to buy our first house on one income so we had the freedom to not make a financially-based decision about our lifestyle and work pattern when children came along. - At the crossroads ASK Does it fit in my value system? Does it compromise my beliefs? Will it have positive long term benefits …? - Know what BIBLE says about the sort of marriage partner to choose, attitudes in the workpla