Sunday, January 12

Tag: refreshing

Personal Life

What do you have in your basket?

...contend earnestly for the faith... Jude 3 ...building yourself up on the most holy faith... Jude 20 Jude was observing here the infiltration of people who were twisting and perverting the gospel of grace. Whilst we may not be facing this specific challenge we all face the challenge of our faith leaking away. The call to build ourselves up in faith, and to contend for our faith is essential. To illustrate this there is no more intriguing story than that of the 12 baskets left over after the feeding of the 5000.  Was this a bad miscalculation by Jesus, or part of His strategic plan? Later He does it again.  This time He feeds 4000 people with 7 large baskets of food left over. In between these 2 miracles, Jesus and the disciples are in a storm, which He has to sort out becaus
Personal Life

The Final Countdown …

On October 31 the people assembled again, and this time they fasted ... Nehemiah 9:1 In the book of Nehemiah we see the process of the people of God returning from captivity and reestablishing themselves with God. Fasting brings us clearly before God. Times of refreshing come as you consecrate yourself to the Lord and find He breaks off those loose ends that hang around. You are being shaped and revived for the next season of your life. What did these returning people of God do? - The first thing they did as a nation was to come around the Word of God. They read, but they also allowed it to speak. They fell to the ground in awe of its message and of God. - As they had need they sought to be purified by the Lord. - They also created shelters, spaces of encounters - setting a...
Personal Life

Get Ready

1 Corinthians 14:8 NIV Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? Let me sound a call.  Who knows when God might just turn up and move in a new way in our lives. In many respects His timing and His place are His choice.  However, we can do something to position ourselves for a move of God. We need to always be ready. Let's get ready. In the bible the virgins were strongly urged to be ready, with their lamps filled with oil.  Isaiah exhorts us to make a way for the coming Lord. We are to make a path straight for the coming of Christ into our lives. The size of a forthcoming wave of God in our lives is determined by the depth of the river we have created.  We must dig deep in our dealings with God, in our prayer, in the Word in our expectation. A s