Monday, January 20

Tag: seek

Seek God …
Personal Life, Uncategorized

Seek God …

He revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel. The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. Psalm 103:7,8 An interesting differentiation between the aspect of God that Moses got to see, and what everyone else got to see. Moses intentionally sought the face of God. He longed for the presence of God, he desired to know God deeply personally. In this search God was able to reveal to Him, who He is - His character. Moses called on God "Show me your glory" (Exodus 33). And God did, He visited Moses with His presence and revealed His character - compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love - the statement God used of Himself - revealed to Moses, not everyone else. For others, all they got to see was the ou...
Personal Life

Making a decision doesn’t have to be a lottery!

COMMIT YOUR WAY to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, And HE shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5 1. How do we make decisions at the crossroads? COMMIT BEFORE YOU CHOOSE Make a decision before the decision that you are trusting God above anything else. Commit it into His hands. Sometimes its easier to make certain 'value-based' decisions before the pressure of that situation arises.  For example we decided to buy our first house on one income so we had the freedom to not make a financially-based decision about our lifestyle and work pattern when children came along. - At the crossroads ASK Does it fit in my value system? Does it compromise my beliefs? Will it have positive long term benefits …? - Know what BIBLE says about the sort of marriage partner to choose, attitudes in the workpla