Monday, January 20

Tag: time

Work Life

Is there a better way to manage my time?

Last time we spoke about value led leadership. We looked at how knowing our values helps us determine our priorities and make decisions.  It helps us decide to do the right things not just the urgent things. It also helps us know how to prioritise our time. In leadership deciding what we must not do is as important as deciding what we should do.  We need to have a ‘to don’t list’ as well as a ‘to do list’. What does your ‘to don’t list’ have on it? - things that are not building the core purpose of your team or connect group - things that someone else could be doing and find engaging 1. Ask yourself what things can I stop doing today? 2. What things could someone else be doing instead?
Family Life

Attention Please!

Give your attention completely to these matters. 1 Timothy 4:15 What we give our attention to will carry the greatest value and reap the greatest rewards. Without the right attention we can never expect our relationships to do so well. This is what attention gives: TIME – what you do is not always as important as simply the giving of time. Being together says what I could be doing is less important than you. WORDS – talk together in ways that enrich each other’s world. Know when to talk and when to listen. Guys you can talk – try it! ACTIVITY – do together what works together. Eat together, play together, go to Church together. Embrace activity, not as something that adds to your 'busy' life but as something that enhances your world together. How could you give your attention to y