Sunday, January 12

Tag: tithe


A Strong Financial Future – First things First

Financial fitness, like physical fitness, is mostly about good habits. You are establishing habits and getting into a routine at an early age. Just as there are laws governing physics and motion, and these never change, there are laws (or principles) governing relationships, health and money for example also. Here are 6 principles if you put in place you will be building a strong financial future: 1.  God is my source (law of supply) Your source is God not your income, your security is God not your savings. Remember the lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful. Deuteronomy 8:18 He’s more than a provider in times of need. Everything you have is from Him: For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory.  Romans 11
Financial Life

The Principle of the First

As we prepare to enter our Vision Builders season it's good to prepare our hearts and minds on the power of biblical financial principles.  The principle of the first, would be the first principle we can take hold of that will help us find God's hand on our financial world, in fact on every part of our lives. God wants to bless us so we can be a blessing.  Be blessed with this:
Financial Life, Personal Life

What comes first?

Today I am not posing a conundrum.  What comes first? The chicken or the egg?  Nothing quite as deep as that.  But I am simply posing the question is it important what we do in what order? Well the answer is absolutely, yes.  What you do first determines what time there is left to do other things.  Therefore, if we want to ensure the most significant things get done, they must be done first. The same is true of our giving.  If we give with whats leftover, very often we won't be giving at all or will at least not be able to freely determine how much we give.  Lets take a look at a moment in Abraham's giving: The lord told him, “Bring me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.” 10 So Abram presented all these to
Financial Life

10-Day Financial Exercise

Here is a post I first put up nearly 2 years ago, but is a helpful reminder for us all regularly. I am committed to helping you become or stay financially healthy.  Stewarding our financial world well helps us bring honour to God, the one who has blessed us with all that we have. Here is a 10-Day bible study exercise by Erica Pyle of 'Prosper Project' (member of C3 Church Manhatten) that will help you have a healthy perspective on finances. I highly recommend it. Introduction Day 1: The Provider Day 2: Purpose Day 3: Vision Day 4: Giving Day 5: Debt Day 6: Budgeting & Planning Day 7: Saving & Investing Day 8: Agreement Day 9: Speak Day 10: See