Tuesday, February 18

Strength by Joy

“The joy of the Lord is my strength” Nehemiah 8:10

When your lacking strength what you need more than anything else is a revival of joy.

Joy releases endorphins within the brain, along with dopamine another brain chemical that can boost your mood. It revives the soul as well as the body.

Joy will empower you, conquor your fears, put light into your dark thoughts and step you into a renewed place.

You will perform better at work when you are getting happy about being at work.
You will have a better marriage when you rejoice over your family.
You will perform better in almost anything you do.

Enjoy – ‘in-joy’ step into joy – its a choice. Get around others who have joy.
Rejoice – renew your joy through positive expression.
‘Joy of the Lord’ – Joy is found in the Lord. Get with Him and let Him give you the oil of joy (Isaiah 61:3).

Learn to look on the bright side of life – try and smile at as many moments of your day as you can.

Find joy today, find strength.

Joy delights in joy.  William Shakespeare