Monday, January 20

Don’t give up on them …

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Isaiah 59:1

It never ceases to amaze me the sort of people God uses to build His Church and establish His Kingdom. Paul, public enemy number 1 to the Gospel. Gideon, full of fear, hiding in the wine press. Moses, an orphan to his culture, a murderer and refugee. Jesus Himself came from Nazereth, the place they said ‘can anything good from Nazereth’.

God specialises in being able to reach the difficult, the unlikely, the rejected … And turns them into world changers.

King Saul becomes Number 1 enemy of David, God’s anointed. Saul appears impossible to reach. He’s in a moment of murderous anger toward David, yet the Spirit of God falls on Him on one occassion and he begins to prophecy (1 Samuel 19:23).

This could be your friend, your neighbour, your colleague, your family member or the next person you come across.

Never give up on the possibility of God reaching, saving and transforming the people in your world.

Remember friends bring friends to Church and they get saved.

See you in Church!