Saturday, February 15

10-Day Financial Exercise

Here is a post I first put up nearly 2 years ago, but is a helpful reminder for us all regularly. I am committed to helping you become or stay financially healthy.  Stewarding our financial world well helps us bring honour to God, the one who has blessed us with all that we have.

Here is a 10-Day bible study exercise by Erica Pyle of ‘Prosper Project’ (member of C3 Church Manhatten) that will help you have a healthy perspective on finances. I highly recommend it.

Day 1: The Provider
Day 2: Purpose
Day 3: Vision
Day 4: Giving
Day 5: Debt
Day 6: Budgeting & Planning
Day 7: Saving & Investing
Day 8: Agreement
Day 9: Speak
Day 10: See