Monday, January 20

Sunday’s Coming!

I have to admit, I really, really enjoy Sundays!  For some reason some people don’t have such a feeling about their work.  I have to be honest with you that I LOVE my Sundays (not all the time maybe, but most of the time).  To get you excited about every Sunday we have published what we are preaching 1 month ahead!  There is no reason why you shouldn’t come to Church prayed up, read up, so you don’t come looking to get fed up but to rise-up … come to give and add to an atmosphere of revival.

This is where we are going this coming Sunday:

WEEK 3 (26 januari) Kolossenzen 1:15-17

Dit is de ruggengraat passage van de hele brief. De almachtige Christus. De Christus van de creatie en de Christus van de Kerk. Wat een inspiratie om te aanbidden.

We hebben de volgorde enigszins aangepast omdat we speciale gast aanbiddingsleiders Mike & Kelly Taylor van C3 Church Londen op bezoek hebben. Vanochtend zullen we hen interviewen en gaan we kijken naar het onderwerp van aanbidding.

Find out more about this series –

So looking forward to seeing you in Church!


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