Monday, January 20

Matters of the Heart

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.  Proverbs 4:23

Everything we do in life is shaped by the condition of our hearts.  We make or break things depending on the condition of our hearts.  The direction of our lives will flow out of what we hold in our hearts.

This means looking after our hearts has to be our number 1 priority.  Our attitude determines our direction and the distance we will go.  A grace-filled, cheerful, faith orientated, generous and pure-motivated heart will take your life down a wide and blessed path toward your deepest dreams, filled with the right people you will need on that journey.

Conversely if our hearts stay filled with regret, upset at people, unwilling to give and faithless, we will find we unknowingly push people away, the path seems hard and dreams don’t seem to get realised.

Prayer is the place we keep our hearts healthy.  We need to keep prayer right at the core of our lives, because prayer:

  • Conditions our heart.    It enables us to let God in to help us deal with areas that need renewing. A renewed heart is a healthy heart.
  • Enlarges our heart.   It enables us to let God in and speak to us about embracing new ideas, new     people, a bigger future, a more generous spirit.  Faith touching our heart enlarges it.
  • Fuels our heart.  It enables us to let the power of God and His Word to fill spaces in our hearts and fuel it for life.  If life flows from our hearts we need our hearts re-fuelled daily with what life needs.

Believing for you today to have a heart filled with grace and a fulfilled life flowing from it.