Thursday, April 18

Health Life

Family Life, Financial Life, Health Life, Personal Life, Work Life

How to get what you want from 2012 …

“I realized that for IBM to become a great company it would have to act like a great company long before it ever became one”
 Tom Watson, Founder IBM There are 3 principles that are certain to help you get to your desired destination: 1. See that destination 2. Believe you can achieve that destination 3. Act now in ways that will best determine that outcome When you begin to adjust your behaviour now to look like your future you begin living it before it becomes reality. This will determine your reality. If you have ambitions to become a director in your company but never hang with senior staff and talk about the ‘them and us’ you will remain one of ‘us’. If you know how to bridge the junior and senior levels in your talk and behaviour you will become one of ’them’. One of ‘
Health Life, Personal Life

Strength by Joy

"The joy of the Lord is my strength" Nehemiah 8:10 When your lacking strength what you need more than anything else is a revival of joy. Joy releases endorphins within the brain, along with dopamine another brain chemical that can boost your mood. It revives the soul as well as the body. Joy will empower you, conquor your fears, put light into your dark thoughts and step you into a renewed place. You will perform better at work when you are getting happy about being at work. You will have a better marriage when you rejoice over your family. You will perform better in almost anything you do. Enjoy - 'in-joy' step into joy - its a choice. Get around others who have joy. Rejoice - renew your joy through positive expression. 'Joy of the Lord' - Joy is found in the Lord. Get with Him and l...
Dutch, Health Life

Mijn Geest

'“Rivieren van levend water zullen stromen uit het hart van wie in mij gelooft,” zo zegt de Schrift.’ Johannes 7:38 Zodra Christus jouw wereld is binnengekomen, stroomt er een rivier van leven vanuit de binnenste. Het is alles wat het leven zou moeten zijn (volledig, gezond, gevuld met blijdschap, sterk, creatief, vol genade en voorspoedig) het stroomt in je denken, je emoties, je lichaam en vanuit jou naar de wereld om je heen. Wanneer we de volgende dingen in ons hart laten komen: zonde, slechte houding en de algemene vuiligheid van het leven, dan ontdekken we dat onze Geest gehinderd wordt. Ontmasker jezelf dagelijks en houdt je geest ongehinderd. Dan ontdek je dat LEVEN constant door jouw wereld stroomt. Het brengt vrijheid naar je ziel en gezondheid naar je lichaam. 3 eenvoudige
Health Life

My Spirit

He who believes in Me as the Scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 When Christ has entered your world there is a river of life that flows out of the inside of you.  It is all that life is meant to be (full, healthy, joy-filled, strong, creative, grace-filled and prosperous).  It flows into your mind, your emotions, your body and out of you into the world around. When we let stuff get onto our hearts:  sin, bad attitude and the general dirt of life – we find our spirit hindered.  Go through a daily debunking and keep your spirit unhindered and you’ll find LIFE constantly flowing around your world. It’ll bring freedom to your soul and health to your body. 3 simple tips: Quickly forgive those who offend you, keep your attitude warm Quickly ask
Health Life

Soul Health

When I say soul I am referring to mind and emotions primarily. Lets look at how we can improve these 2 areas of our world. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 NLT Worry is the devil of the mind.  Life is loaded with potentials for worry if we don’t control it. I know people who if they are not worrying about something they worry about that! Stop the worry. Give it away; don’t just pray, leave it there.  Bring it under your control. Be the master of your own mind. Undervalue is the devil of the soul. Mature your emotional world by developing a healthy sense of personal value.  Don’t go cheap all the time.  What about eating out less but when you do go in style.  What about buying less clot