Tuesday, February 18


Staying authentic in a conflicted world
Leadership, Personal Life, Uncategorized

Staying authentic in a conflicted world

Recent years have reshaped how we need to approach the world, our lives and ministry. I'm not just talking about the effects of the pandemic, but also shifts in sociological norms, the savage pressures of media on Churches and the shifting expectations from within ourselves. We need to navigate this well as our future success and well being will hinge on it. It has been my observation that there are some fundamentals we need to keep in shape in order for us to stay strong in the midst of these onslaughts. These observations, I trust, will help us live free of internal conflict or division, hence why I use the word 'authentic' to describe them. Authenticity in its purist sense is being the real deal. It is a behaviour that is integrated within oneself. A person who is w...
The Royal Law
Leadership, Personal Life, Uncategorized

The Royal Law

If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbour as yourself,” you are doing right. James 2:8 NIV The ROYAL law - to love others, whoever they might be, from whatever background, broken, whole, … this is dignity, this is carrying ourselves with honour, because we give honour.  There is no more supreme act of faith. When we love someone as ourselves we are showing 'royal' behaviour. It's supreme, it trumps all other behaviours, it is how disciples show the world that we are followers of Jesus, by our love for one another. It is how our communities discover a love that is beyond normal. I like to put it like this, we are here to be the hope on every street. How can I be hope to my street?  By being the pastor to my street - given the royal law, o
Safe people, safe places
Family Life, Leadership, Uncategorized

Safe people, safe places

If there was ever a time the world needed some stability it would be right now. We're going to take a few minutes to look at the behaviours and actions of a person you might call 'safe'. Because right now safe people, and safe places, might just be what people are needing. What if we could provide the community with some security, not so much in terms of what next month may look like, but in terms of people and places that are consistent, secure, predictable, with peace, hope, that are restorative, in other words safe people and safe places. Whilst the Bible is very much full of stories of travel, adventure, extraordinary feats of faith, injunctions to go, conquer, take ground; yet the greatest act of faith is to stand the ground of your inner world. To remain steady in t...
Heart & Hands – 2 of your greatest Business tools
Leadership, Work Life

Heart & Hands – 2 of your greatest Business tools

“And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skilful hands he led them.” Psalms‬ ‭78:72‬  2 aspects to being a successful leader : 1. Heart Your integrity, your passion, your godliness, your internal world is a huge part of your leadership and business success. Compromise this and you compromise your business. Your motivation, or 'why', for your business is critical. I sometimes hear people say "I am working for myself because I couldn't work for anyone else". The truth is you will never be a success working for yourself until you have learnt the ability to work for someone else. The 2 are not mutually exclusive. What you learn building someone else's vision, being subject to someone else's timetable are essential lessons in being a great leader.
Top 3 thoughts on leading through a crisis

Top 3 thoughts on leading through a crisis

A lot of great material has already been written on this topic. It's current, it's relevant, and we only have one chance do it well, before the moment passes us and people will decide how to label this period of time. Leaders have a unique opportunity to help people write the narrative now for what this period in history will be known for. What do you want your employees to look back and say? What do you want your constituents to look back and say? What do you want your church people to look back and say? Therefore, I thought I would add my 3 top thoughts on what I have tried to do in 3 different troubling events I have had to lead people through. 1. Communicate fast and clearly In order for us to stay orientated, we need to know something of our map and compass. Comm...