Sunday, January 12

Tag: decisions

Work Life

Leading from your values

I have previously spoken about giving away jobs not tasks. This helps people share ownership rather simply feeling like they are helping out. A leader, then, should not simply be running off a list of tasks (although I highly recommend using ‘to-do lists’.) The reason doing this only is a mistake is you never will know whether as a leader you are doing the right tasks. Therefore, determining your values is the only healthy way to determine your activities. When you know what values are important to you and your area of responsibility then you know what tasks, jobs and decisions are of highest priority.  You will also find it easier making those decisions, as decisions will line up with values. As a Church for example hospitality, discipleship, faith and the presence of God are all cor
Personal Life

Making a decision doesn’t have to be a lottery!

COMMIT YOUR WAY to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, And HE shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5 1. How do we make decisions at the crossroads? COMMIT BEFORE YOU CHOOSE Make a decision before the decision that you are trusting God above anything else. Commit it into His hands. Sometimes its easier to make certain 'value-based' decisions before the pressure of that situation arises.  For example we decided to buy our first house on one income so we had the freedom to not make a financially-based decision about our lifestyle and work pattern when children came along. - At the crossroads ASK Does it fit in my value system? Does it compromise my beliefs? Will it have positive long term benefits …? - Know what BIBLE says about the sort of marriage partner to choose, attitudes in the workpla