Thursday, April 18

Tag: faith

Personal Life


When it comes to understanding the topic of healing, it is best to keep it simple.  Faith is not complicated!  If we understand Jesus is the healer, then there are only 2 important concepts to understand about Him when it comes to healing: 1. Jesus is willing - He wants to heal 2. Jesus is able - He can heal JESUS IS WILLING A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. “If you are willing (humility), you can heal me and make me clean,” he said.  Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!”  Instantly the leprosy disappeared, and the man was healed. Mark 1:40-42  Jesus is willing because He has compassion. He feels what you are going through  - He is moved by what He sees. I get moved for people una
Personal Life

Your reputation depends on it

Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation.  Hebrews 11:2 Faith. Reputation! Faith sometimes gets a bad rap.  Some see it as the wild and irresponsible.  And some people do do some strange things which they say is 'faith', but is really an untested wild idea, a lazy reliance on other people's hard work and generosity, or a cover-up for not having any idea what they are doing! However, never throw out the substance because of an over-enthusiastic few. Hebrews 11:2 tells us that your reputation is connected to your faith, not your ability to be conservative, always sensible, always calculated, always reasonable or controlled.  Faith is bold, faith is confidence, faith dares, faith believes for what's missing and steps out anyway. Go to your God-confi
Personal Life


What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. Hebrews 11:1 NLT Faith is confidence. When faith takes a hold of you you can't help but feel like all things are possible.  Our hopes are realised when we are utterly convinced it will come to pass.  This confidence will cause faith to take a grip in your spirit. Confidence is a natural partner of a faith-life. Dealing with the things that steal our confidence will prevent our walk of faith being jeopardised. 1. The nag of a guilty conscience because we haven't sought forgiveness for things we've done wrong steals confidence. 2. Failure to forgive ourselves for things we've done will steal our confidence. 3. If we haven't forgiven others for wrongs done to us our confidence is weakened. 4. Broke
Personal Life, Work Life

Today’s Behaviour Tomorrow’s Result

“I realized that for IBM to become a great company it would have to act like a great company long before it ever became one”
 Tom Watson, Founder IBM There are 3 principles that are certain to help you get to your desired destination: 1. See that destination 2. Believe you can achieve that destination 3. Act now in ways that will best determine that outcome When you begin to adjust your behaviour now to look like your future you begin living it before it becomes reality. This will determine your reality. If you have ambitions to become a director in your company but never hang with senior staff and talk about the ‘them and us’ you will remain one of ‘us’. If you know how to bridge the junior and senior levels in your talk and behaviour you will become one of ’them’. One o
Work Life


"Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich." Henry Ford, founder of The Ford Motor Company. The power of focus is way more than simply knowing what you want and how you want it. Focus keeps your eye on the right things and off the distractions. It fuels high level of motivation required to achieve the most ambitious of desires. Right now why don't you write down in a clear and concise way where you want your career to end up. What will it look like. Then add faith to the equation. Keep that goal firmly in your mind, ask God to help you achieve it and be clear that it will happen. Focus will activate faith, it will de-clutter your life of other possibilities and activities. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things ...