Tuesday, April 16

Tag: freedom

Financial Life

Debt Free

"At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts." Deuteronomy 15:1 NKJV Getting out of debt can feel like a long recovery process. How good to know that God is with you in your pursuit of freedom. He is committed to you being on top of your financial world and living with more than enough, abundantly. Some helpful tips to get you going on the road to recovery: - draw up a budget and know exactly your financial situation - put your debts into the cheapest repayment situation possible - commit to a manageable repayment process (make agreements with utility companies, credit card/banks etc). Think long term about this so you don't feel regularly disappointed by the debt you have. - look to better earning opportunities (extra work, higher paid job), but don't plac...
Health Life

My Spirit

He who believes in Me as the Scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 When Christ has entered your world there is a river of life that flows out of the inside of you.  It is all that life is meant to be (full, healthy, joy-filled, strong, creative, grace-filled and prosperous).  It flows into your mind, your emotions, your body and out of you into the world around. When we let stuff get onto our hearts:  sin, bad attitude and the general dirt of life – we find our spirit hindered.  Go through a daily debunking and keep your spirit unhindered and you’ll find LIFE constantly flowing around your world. It’ll bring freedom to your soul and health to your body. 3 simple tips: Quickly forgive those who offend you, keep your attitude warm Quickly ask