Tuesday, February 18

Tag: genesis 1:22

Personal Life

Life Change – DAY 5

And evening passed and morning came, MARKING the fifth day. Genesis 1:23 On the penultimate day of creation, day 5 in Genesis 1, we notice another life changing ‘MARKER’ that we could set in our own lives in 2013. Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply. Let the fish fill the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.” Genesis 1:22 DAY 5.  On day 3 we looked at being fruitful. On day 5 we take this one step further. Its a landmark moment when what you do is fruitful.  For some people when they touch money it grows; for others when they teach, others 'just get it'; for others when they administrate life quickly has order to it.  This is fruitfulness.  However, what about multiplying this fruitfulness. To multiply your fruitfulness you have to put something in plac