Tuesday, February 18

Tag: light

Personal Life

Life Change – DAY 4

And evening passed and morning came, MARKING the fourth day. Genesis 1:19 It's day 4 already of a 6 day look at the life changing ‘MARKERS’ set down in Genesis 1 that have meaning for our own lives in 2013. God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:17,18 DAY 4. If day 1 is about getting free, then day 4 is about living free.  On day 1 light and dark were separated.  On day 4 God placed something in the world that would maintain the separation of light and dark - the light of the sun and of the moon. Finding freedom from something destructive is clearly a landmark.  However, staying free and saying no to destructive temptation is equally a landmark moment in our lives.  We have been given pow
Personal Life, Work Life

I’m Going Out!

"I'M GOING OUT to fish," Simon Peter told them. John 21:3 2 tips for every non-evangelist on how to 'Go out' and be a witness for Christ: 1. YOU – you are going out.  Not a philosophy, not a ‘mission’, YOU – our life speaks and is always being read, lets make it a great read!  You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. 2 Corinthians 3:2 Our lives are always under the spotlight, so: a. Be salt not pepper.  Pepper makes people sneeze – don't make people feel allergic to you! Don't be weird or annoying around people; ask questions, be interested in people, don't be the one who never stops talking about themselves.  Salt flavours – whatever you do well is that which flavours (caring, wisdom, leading) – do it fully and naturally around people. L